So far in primary 7 we have been doing lots of art, writing, maths, reading, grammar, spanish, french and PE.
Our topic is about the Rainforest and we used this as a theme for our class charters. We have learned about the layers of the rainforest, we found the rainforests on a world map and with our topic buddies, we did some research on the chromebooks.
Our class novel is also about the rainforest and it has been very interesting so far. A girl called Maia has had to leave England to live with family in Manuas as her parents have passed away. Her new home is in the middle of the rainforest and we are enjoying hearing about her journey.
Last week we had a day trip to Experiential Learning at Dalmuir CE Centre. We had great fun. We learned about drugs, litter, fire safety, prison, online safety, water safety and first aid. It was really interesting.
Primay 7a have also been going to swimming lessons on a Thursday and so far, lots of people have moved groups and the others are trying really hard to do so. Stevie the bus driver is a big hit with us and loves to listen to us singing on the way to the leisure centre.
We are enjoying p7 so far and are looking forward to the next few months!